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2020 Executive Service Corps’ Prestigious Philanthropic Award Winner

Nonprofit Jim Brandt, ESC Engagement Manager & Life Director

Nonprofit Consultant of the Year Award

Given to an exceptional Nonprofit Consultant with an extraordinary number of volunteer hours

Presented by Prior Honoree: Michael Thompson, Engagement Manager, ESC

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“Jim Brandt is my hero, role model, and who I want to be when I grow up. Everyone at ESC is fortunate to walk in his footsteps. Thank you Jim for all you have done for ESC and our community.”

- Rachelle Jervis, President and CEO, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


"Jim Brandt is the consummate professional and volunteer.  He is thoughtful, engaged, deeply experienced with client engagements, and committed to making the best decisions for both the clients and ESC.  I was always happy to see Jim in a training session or a board meeting, because I knew he would bring an unparalleled depth of experience, thoughtful contributions to topics, a wealth of interesting "war stories," and a great sense of humor to every discussion.  I have learned so much from Jim over the years and am so happy to see him getting such special recognition.  He richly deserves it."

- Ginny Moffat, Consultant, Executive Service Corps (ESC)

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“On behalf of Matthew House Jim Brandt was so instrumental in assisting Matthew House with so many needs. Board assistance and development, staff development, capacity building and executive level development.  Jim assist in refining and making our vision clearer.  With Jim Brandt assistance from the Executive Services Corp and the organization as a whole, Matthew House will be celebrating 30 years next year.  We are so appreciative of all the support from Jim Brandt and the Executive Service Corp team.”

-  Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson, DM, CEO and Executive Director, Matthew House, Inc of Chicago, ESC Client

All of those who volunteer for the Executive Service Corps of Chicago are each special in their own way, and have collectively contributed millions of hours of service over the 41 years of ESC’s existence, and have made a huge impact on the nonprofit community in the Chicagoland area and beyond. But as in any organization of amazing people, there are always a few who stand out above the rest. Jim Brandt is one of the most amazing of all those people.

I doubt that anyone have ever tried to calculate all of the impact Jim has had on ESC in the 25+ years since John Rosenheim recruited Jim as an ESC volunteer. There’s probably not a consulting services platform in which he hasn’t been involved, there’s probably not a single volunteer who Jim hasn’t trained. I’m sure that he has more volunteer hours than any ESC consultant in history, well over 10,000, and I’ve been blessed to have been with him on a number of those engagements. He’s been the go to engagement manager for large projects that needed someone to jump in and save them, like the project we did with the Jewish Vocational Service. And I doubt either of us will ever forget the work we did with Plumbing Manufacturers International, where we were inspired to always check out who manufactured the fixtures and equipment every time we used the men’s room. And he was instrumental in the success of Centers for New Horizons, whose CEO is one of the honorees today. I’m sure that every ESC volunteer could tell a story about the work they did with Jim, and how he enhanced the capabilities of every organization with which he worked to better serve those it was their mission to help.

Not only have our clients benefited from Jim’s expertise and dedication, but ESC has as well. Jim served three terms on the ESC Board of Directors, following which he was elected as a Life Director, continuing to be actively involved in the governance of ESC. He has led many Board committees and practice areas over his time with ESC, and has contributed much to the body of knowledge that ESC consultants use to fulfill its mission of 'Making Nonprofits Successful.'

And if that weren’t enough, Jim’s passion for music, which began with trumpet lessons in fifth grade, continued through the Bugle Corps at Great Lakes during his service in the Navy, and is still ongoing with his participation in the 60 piece wind band of which he is a part has been an equally important aspect of his life. In addition, since the 1990s, he has been a board member of the Emergency Fund which provides emergency financial assistance to those in need.

Jim is one of those rare individuals whose second and third acts have been equally or more exciting and impressive compared to his first chapter as a senior executive of large and small manufacturing companies. For me, and for all of us, Jim is an inspiration to guide our path through our remaining time on earth. Thank you, Jim, for sharing your time, talent and treasure with ESC and for leaving the world a much better place than it was before you got here."

-  Mike Thompson, ESC Engagement Manager, Legacy Corps Member, and 2019 Consultant of the Year

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“Jim Brandt always had the greatest projects with the nicest clients. I will always remember our work for the nuns at St. Mary’s Nursing Home. The Head Nun was very gracious. As I left for the last time she said she looked forward to seeing me again! (oh oh 😊)“

- Jim Ness, Jr., Engagement Manager, Executive Service Corps (ESC)

“Jim has the ability to engage a client from the beginning of the project and to hold that client's respect until it is completed.  He is always receptive to input from client and team members and brings out the best in all parties.  Jim is the model of a leader who makes a volunteer's job rewarding.”

- Carolyn Rusnak, Engagement Manager, Executive Service Corps (ESC)

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"Jim has been an amazing support to Centers for New Horizons, and to me! I met him in 2013, when we entered into a strategic planning process with ESC - and he was honest, straightforward, knowledgeable and kind. He ushered us through making one of the toughest decisions in the history of our organization, but we knew that him and the ESC team had the best intentions in mind for us. After that strategic planning process, I was promoted to lead the organization as the Executive Director. I was able to utilize many of the tools from ESC to move the organization forward, over the next 4 years. Then, in 2018, I was excited to invite Jim and the team back to Centers for New Horizons to see how much their input meant to our organization and to help me elevate to the next level. It has been an honor to get to know Jim, and he makes me felt like this was more than just an assignment, but that he truly wanted to see me and the organization thrive. 

Congratulations Jim on this well-deserved honor!"

- Christa Hamilton, Executive Director, Centers for New Horizons, ESC Client

“I had the privilege and pleasure of working with Jim Brandt and Don Schwarz as faculty members for Board Development Training when it was offered as a two-day program.  Not only did the program days give us an opportunity to work together but we also had great planning meetings.  

Jim’s wealth of knowledge, breadth of experience, diligence in his approach to problem solving and sense of humor made working with him a pure delight.  Jim covered board responsibilities in these sessions and imparted to all of us the characteristics that made an excellent Board of Directors.  And Jim practiced what he preached as a long serving board member for ESC.  He was deeply involved in recruiting new consultants for ESC, a champion for its philanthropic efforts and served as an engagement manager on numerous projects.  

Then there were Jim’s extracurricular activities that Don, and I learned about during our meetings.  We were setting meeting dates when Jim announced, “yes I can meet that day but I have to leave at 1:30 for band practice”.  Band practice?  Turns out Jim is a trumpet player performing at annual band concerts and for various other occasions.  

At one of our planning sessions, Jim told us about a trip he and Nancy made to Central Asia.  They were traveling from one country to the next and they had been delayed.  Jim casually said, “it was about midnight when our driver reached the border and there was the other driver waiting for us”.  Most travelers might view this as hair raising but not intrepid travelers like Jim and Nancy.  They likely were calming discussing what they had seen and what new sights awaited them the next day.

Kudos Jim and congratulations on being recognized at Celebration of Service.”

- Sandra Seim, Consultant, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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“Jim works tirelessly on behalf of all of ESC’s clients to ensure positive outcomes.  His drive, commitment and dedication make this an easy choice!”

- Bob Greenebaum, ESC Life Director, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


“Jim Brandt represents the heart of ESC.  A tireless consultant, he carried a full workload for years - and his clients loved him.  His was also the wise voice in committees and on the Board.  His contributions to ESC cannot be easily measured -- they far exceed what might be expected.”

- Toni Smith, ESC Life Director, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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"Congratulations to all of our deserving honorees. They all represent the best in charity, stewardship and commitment. In particular, thank you to Butch Pfaelzer and Jim Brandt for not only their dedication to ESC but, on a personal level, their friendship and mentorship."

- Dan Weil, Board Member and Fund Development Chairperson, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


“Working with Jim is working with a gentleman; he had a big-time career running a company before he started working at ESC, and he could have rested on his laurels. But he’s had a career here longer than a lot of people have working for an employer. Jim has a great sense of humor, but approaches his work with ESC with seriousness because he really cares about our clients and their mission. And he’s always been a source of wise counsel to me — he’s been there, done that. If a client’s got a problem - Jim will probably have run into it somewhere before. Plus, as a fellow ESC consultant, he’s a pleasure work with.”

- George Krafcisin, Engagement Manager, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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"We had the pleasure of working with both Jim's during our strategic planning consultation provided by ESC. Jim B. was a great pleasure to work with and extremely valuable to us during the planning process. His contributions have been invaluable and taken our organization to the next level."

- LaVonte Stewart, Executive Director, Lost Boyz Inc., ESC Client

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“Jim embodies all that ESC was envisioned to be.  His tireless service has and continues to benefit and strengthen the Chicago non-profit community.  Most ESC consultants have been touched by Jim in some way or another.  On behalf of the entire board, thank you Jim for all you’ve done and continue to do for ESC”.

- Wendy Kritt, Board Chairperson, Executive Service Corps (ESC)

“Jim Brandt may be ESC's most dedicated consultant. I have always been impressed by how many balls he can juggle successfully and still have capacity to take on yet another responsibility. He has a capacity for generating business and attracting donations that is a tribute to his dedication. Jim is an insightful Program Manager who has contributed to a vast array of clients. He has improved their ability to conduct their missions and has often been responsible for their very survival. He is a role model.”

- Joe Ross, Life Director, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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