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2020 Executive Service Corps’ Prestigious Philanthropic Award Winner

Ellard "Butch" Pfaelzer, ESC Engagement Manager & Life Director

Philanthropist of the Year Award

Given to an Exceptionally Generous Person  who has given of both their time & talent to ESC and the community

Prior Honoree: Bob Greenebaum, ESC Life Director

Presented by: Geoffrey McClelland, ESC Life Director and Engagement Manager

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As Board Chairperson and as a Life Director Butch Pfaelzer he has served to lead the generosity of decades of ESC supporters. Butch truly has left a lasting legacy with his gifts and the gifts he's inspired. Thank you Butch.”

- Rachelle Jervis, President and CEO, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


Butch was instrumental in my getting involved with, and elected to, the ESC Board of Directors. His passion for the organization is evident, and helped inspire me to want to engage.” 

- Bob Greenebaum, ESC Life Director, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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"Although I am just beginning my journey with Butch, from our few engagements I knew I selected the right Executive Coach for myself. It was easy to connect on a desired energy level with Butch because has a spirit of understanding, empathy, and compassion."

- LaVonte Stewart, Executive Director, Lost Boyz Inc., ESC Client

"Congratulations to all of our deserving honorees. They all represent the best in charity, stewardship and commitment. In particular, thank you to Butch Pfaelzer and Jim Brandt for not only their dedication to ESC but, on a personal level, their friendship and mentorship."

- Dan Weil, Board Member and Fund Development Chairperson, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


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“Butch Pfaelzer is a pillar of wisdom and judgement who has been a problem solver for clients and ESC itself. His leadership talents have contributed to ESC in a broad range of activities and responsibilities. He was Board Chair when I joined ESC. I have worked with him on client engagements and ESC activities and have always been impressed by the skills he brings to bear on thorny issues. It is important to be attentive when he speaks for he applies great intellect and vast experience in his assessments. He is a leader to be admired.” 

- Joe Ross, Life Director, Executive Service Corps (ESC)


"I honestly can't remember a time when Dad wasn't involved in some type of philanthropy.  Many evenings after dinner I remember seeing him at his desk doing committee or other work for whatever nonprofit he was involved with, whether it was a community organization, a hospital board, or another worthy cause.  He set an example for me that part of our purpose in life is to give to back our communities and help others - to help make the world a better place.  Sometimes I wonder if he's not busier in retirement than he was while working ☺.  I know that his philanthropic activities give him joy as he is able to share his time and wisdom helping others.  Congrats Dad on this tremendous honor and I couldn't be prouder to be your daughter.  xo Laurie"

- Laurie Pfaelzer Ryan

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“From the time I was a small child to today, I remember him always being involved in some kind of volunteer work – whether it was serving on various Boards of Directors and/or giving his time and expertise to numerous organizations within the community.  From being “Diver Dad” at the Shedd Aquarium (he was the guy in the big tank wearing the Diver Dan wetsuit who greeted patrons when they first arrived) to SCORE to Executive Service Corps, and many, many others, he has always given his time freely and generously.  He was, and continues to be, an inspiration, mentor and role model for me and I am proud to be his daughter.”

- Deborah Iaboni

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