2019 ESC Board Member Give Get Report
115 Chicagoland based nonprofit organizations completed the Executive Service Corps’ 2019 Board Member Give/Get Survey.
A board member give/get is a policy, typically stated in the bylaws, policies, or board member manual, that provides a minimum amount of money that each member of the board must financially raise or donate to the organization annually.
Having and enforcing a board member give/get policy is a nonprofit best practice.
The Average 2019 Board Give/Get
The average 2019 board member Give/Get requirement is $2,807.
What Does Not Impact the Policy
In nonprofits where it is applicable, volunteer service that earns fee income for the organization does not deduct from the give/get requirement at 94% of organizations.
Based on this survey we can rule out three factors as not impacting Chicagoland based nonprofits board member give/get. There seems to be no correlation with the board member give/get and 1) the estimated number of people impacted by the outcomes/mission of the organization, 2) the group of people served, or 3) the maximum board term of service.
What Does Impact the Policy
Based on our survey, the annual budget of the organization (with and without in-kind donations) does impact the size of the board’s Give/Get requirement.
The average give/get for organizations with an annual budget including in-kind donations up to $1 million a year is $1,721. The average Give/Get for organizations with an annual budget including in-kind donations up to $1-8 million a year is $2,861. The average Give/Get for organizations with an annual budget including in-kind donations over $8 million a year is $6,727.
Calculating results based on cash without in-kind gifts yields slightly higher give/get requirements. The average give/get for organizations with an annual cash operating budget excluding in-kind donations up to $1 million a year is $1,806. The average give/get for organizations with an annual cash operating budget excluding in-kind donations of $1-8 million a year is $3,697. The average give/get for organizations with an annual cash operating budget excluding in-kind donations of upwards of $8 million a year and over is $7,667.
Click here to download this report in PDF format. Please cite ESC when referencing our work.
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